Saturday, March 28, 2020

Advantages And Disadvantages of Living in a Big City free essay sample

Big cities such as Jakarta, Melbourne or New York are great places where you can find many tall buildings, vehicles, recreational areas and various other things that cannot be found in small town or villages. (Bigcity, n. d. ) Most people prefer living in a big city because in a place where the economy is constantly growing and where anything is possible, it is significantly easier to find a good job with a better quality of life. However aside from the numerous advantages of living in a big city, there are also a few down points to living there. First of all, in a big city we can get what we cannot find in village or small town. For example, in a big city there are many malls, cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants and sport stations. Malls are really nice places to hang out with friends at because the buildings are designed in such a way that people feel comfortable spending large amounts of time in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages And Disadvantages of Living in a Big City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Customers are provided with a good service and they are able to find many products, not only the ones they need, but also the ones they want. Also people can taste a lot of different kinds of food from different provinces or countries. Secondly, schools in a big city is relatively more qualified and recognized than schools in small towns, and there are even schools with an international standard, which enable children to be more developed in different languages such as English, Chinese and many more. Thirdly, in a big city usually there are a lot of hospitals with advanced technology and better medical treatments because they recruit the doctors who are well-known in the country, and sometimes these hospitals even employ doctors from other countries. In short, patients are more likely to receive better care and treatments in a big city than in small towns. Next, travelling is much easier because in a big city there are good transportation systems such as airplanes, trains, buses, and others. Usually international flights are only available from major cities, as there would be bigger airports. The road systems would be better, hence the buses and trains would be able to service more people to greater distances, so it is relatively easier for residents to travel. Lastly, networking is not such a big problem in big cities, because a big city is where people from all over the world travel to and reside. It is more possible to socialize with and befriend people of different nationalities in a big city. (Shane62, 2010) However, living in a big city also has its disadvantages. For example, the high level of unemployment. As it is known, many people want to go to a big city to find a job but unfortunately it can be really hard because every year the population in these cities is increasing, which means there will be less jobs available. Next, the cost of living is very high. Land is very expensive as less land is available for building house or offices. Taxes are also higher. In small towns, people usually shop at traditional markets, which has fairly low prices. In big cities, the prices of foodstuffs are usually marked up, which means buying food is much more expensive in big cities than in small towns. Another major disadvantage is the terrible traffic conditions. Traffic jams usually happen in big cities, because big cities are often really crowded and nowadays people are more likely to use their private vehicles rather than using the public transportation. The more cars are out on the roads, the higher the possibility for congestions is. The next disadvantage is air pollution. The government keeps building high-rises and real estates that there is hardly any space left to plant trees and build parks. The large number of cars also contributes to the high level of pollution. As the emission from cars is not controlled, old vehicles produce a vast amount of smog that contain CO2 which in turn, causes global warming. (Shane26,2010) (Waxpoeticg,2013) To sum up, living in a big city has its advantages and disadvantages. However in my opinion, living in a big city is really good because one can get a good education, excellent healthcare, easy transportation and find many wonderful recreational facilities.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Meri Moken †Why Antibiotics Stop Working

Meri Moken – Why Antibiotics Stop Working Free Online Research Papers In 1993, when Meri Moken got recognized by various institutions for her research work on the effect of detergents on bacteria, a lot of her work was actually a reflection of a broader spectrum of research that had started as early as the 1960s. What Meri essentially discovered was the resistance of bacteria to household detergents and bleaches – a subset of the age-old capability by bacteria to adapt to harmful chemicals. Her discovery illuminated the ever-burgeoning problems that pathogens present: that, over time, they become harder to eradicate, as any chemicals used against them become ineffective. Pathogens present a huge problem in the medical world, because not only are they becoming more problematic despite advances in antibiotics, but also because the advances are actually making the problem worse. As an illustration, the Escherichia coli, an intestinal bacterium, grew resistant to all fluoroquinolone antibiotics administered against it within a decade. This high rate of adaptation presents a grave problem, since it implies that scientific advances would be hard-pressed to keep up with the bacteria. Then, in 1994, it was discovered that some strains of Streptococcus pneumonia were resistant to Penicillin, and that a full 25% of all people suffering from this Pneumonia were resistant to antibiotics. It was a further indication that the war against pathogen was slowly, but surely, being lost. There are several ways in which bacteria can gain mastery over any antibiotic thrown at them. Every new antibiotic essentially places a kind of selective pressure on them, and the most adapted amongst them survive down the generations. Sometimes, a spontaneous mutation in the bacterial DNA may result in an organism with a higher level of resistance. Other bacteria engage in a process called transformation – a microbial sex-like process in which DNAs are shuffled between two organisms. But most ominous of all adaptation methods is the one in which bacteria interchange a section of DNA called a plasmid amongst themselves. It is ominous since it presents a very efficient way of increasing the overall adaptability of bacteria, without incurring the unpredictability that mutation presents. The resistance that results from the DNA changes within the bacteria is expressed in several ways, at the molecular level. Some of the bacteria change the target molecule, essentially inactivating it and thus making it harmless. Others go a step further and decompose the molecule into its elements. Others simply sequester the offending drug, thus keeping it away from their warpaths. And finally, some bacteria keep the fatal chemicals out of the cells, and prevent their entrance to it. Since the bacterial problem is a serious menace, several solutions have been suggested to help keep bacteria in their rightful place within the biosphere. Firstly, antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary. Using them at any other time only increases chances of developing resistance in the microbes. Secondly, all antibiotics, once administered, should be taken until the entire dose is completed. Partially resistant bacteria are less likely to survive and multiply when doses are completed. Thirdly, narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be used, to avoid triggering adaptation mechanism in other bacteria within the vicinity. And finally, vaccines can be innovated to act on a preventative platform rather than a curative one. References Why files (1997) What doesn’t kill them makes them stronger Retrieved 21st January 2009 from Research Papers on Meri Moken - Why Antibiotics Stop WorkingGenetic EngineeringThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductMind TravelOpen Architechture a white paper